What Treatment Options Are Available from Psychotherapists for Mood Disorders?

Most people will experience times in their life where they are faced with challenges. Everyone will have good days and everyone will have bad days. That’s normal. However, in some situations, individuals may struggle to find balance between good and bad days. Healthy individuals are able to rebound from bad days quickly by finding emotional balance. Those who suffer from mood disorders do not make that connection and are often faced with challenges as a result.

Mood disorders may include:

  • Mania or bipolar disorder
  • Chronic low-level depression
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Substance-related depression concerns

Whenever mood disorders occur, it is often a result of an imbalance of chemicals within the brain that directly impact a person’s mood. These chemicals, called serotonin and noradrenaline, are often linked to mood disorders. And, when there are severe situations in the development of dopamine, another type of brain chemical, there is evidence of complex mood disorders such as schizophrenia and psychosis.

What Can Be Done to Treatment Mood Disorders?

The first step in treating them is to understand what is happening and why. That is done with the help of a psychotherapist. Many factors contribute to the type of therapy that is beneficial including age, severity of the condition, the reason for the imbalance of chemicals, and medication or therapy tolerances.

Most commonly, cognitive behavior therapy is used as a first step in treating mood disorders because it is the most effective option. In this treatment, it is possible to focus on the actions and behaviors of an individual. You learn to recognize when your thoughts are distorted and then learn how to replace those negative thoughts with better thoughts. There are other types of therapies available to help individuals with mood disorders including electroconvulsive therapy, natural supplement therapy, and medical assistance

If you suffer from a mood disorder or you think you may, the first step is to seek out the help of a psychotherapist that specializes in treatment for these types of concerns. It is then possible to create a treatment plan that is customized to meet your individual needs. Many factors play a role in determining what is the best underlying treatment for your needs. Nevertheless, many people can see improvement. When you come in to see one of the best psychotherapists in New York, you’ll learn more about the options available to you.

Contact me to schedule a free consultation at 212-413-7088.

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